The train cafe.

The train cafe is located in a strategic area of our beloved canton since it is in the center and easily accessible for tourists and residents of the sector, this property has a history behind it since this was the place where Los Train travelers and this is how it acquires the name of the train station later in the time of Rafael Correa they reconditioned the area for tourism and thus the name of the Bucay train cafe remained in this on its ground floor it sells all types of cafeteria that can be imagined from coffee iced coffee cappuccino mocachino among others and at the top There are the most exclusive and exquisite dishes in the area with American hamburgers and Indian food this place is characterized by its beauty and its beautiful views from its second plant Since you can see a large part of our beloved canton

How can you see in Google Maps this is close to everything and close to the main road where buses and cars from the coast and the mountains pass and thus connect these two important regions of our country and above all that there is a Gran Turismo between they

Its rich and exquisite food since it is not found anywhere else because it is prepared by great chefs of our Ecuadorian cuisine and thus they stand out from the others since they are very good at what they do.
