Typical dishes of our canton Bucay
Fritada Frtada is a typical dish in our beloved Bucay canton because there is a large population of these animals, that is, there are many so, for that reason, it is learned to be referent forms of one of those fries that make pieces of the softest meats To later fry them in a bronze pan, this dish can be eaten in different ways, either with ripe fruit, green with yuc or with mote and it is very rich even though it has high levels of fat.It is a well-known dish in our canton because it is highly valued due to the fact that it is consumed a lot Llapingachos Llapingachos are a typical dish. This dish is an important part of the culture of Bucay, and is one of the most representative of Bucayan food. Basically they are fried tortillas, made of cooked and mashed potatoes, which are accompanied with a rich sausage rice meat peanut sauce on the tortillas an egg to obtain a perfect dish Hornado It is the "sour" made from hot pepper, salt, onion, tomato and a little panela or chich